Thursday 31 December 2015

Ever been hit by a thunderclap headache? Here are five pains in your body you should NEVER ignore

video Here are five body pains you should never ignore thumbnail

WE all suffer the odd ache and pain now and again, but while most of the time it's nothing to worry about, certain twinges shouldn't be ignored.

Medical experts have come up with a list of five common health grumbles that should be checked out right away if they start to have a significant impact on your daily life.

Abby Cuffey, health director at Woman's Day magazine, and Dr Houman Danesh recommend seeking medical advice if you suffer any of the following ailments.

1. A thunderclap headache


This type of headache comes on very quickly, hence its name, and will be far more extreme than the average migraine.
It could be the sign of an aneurysm, which is when a blood vessel develops a blood-filled bulge in its wall that can burst at any moment.
These can be fatal and the pair recommended seeking medical attention immediately if this type of pain occurs.

2. A Sharp ache between the shoulder blades

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Frighteningly, this could be an indicator of a heart attack.
Cuffey told how 30 per cent of people who suffer them do not experience the more common chest pain symptoms.
Instead, they may feel shortness of breath, dizziness, jaw pain, nausea or a very sharp, stabbing pain in the upper back area.

3. Dull stomach pain

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While most tummy upsets are caused by indigestion or trapped wind, this type of discomfort should not be ignored.
Cuffey explained: "Stomach pain is a hard one because often when you get a stomach ache, the exact location can be hard to pin down.
"But if you have a dull pain get sharper as it moves to the lower right-side of your abdomen it could be appendicitis."
If it continues to get more intense, she recommends seeking medical attention immediately.

4. Mid-back pain with a fever

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If you're experiencing these symptoms it could be a sign of a kidney infection that stems from an untreated urinary tract infection.
Dr Danesh warns: "It's very dangerous because if you don't treat it the kidneys can shut down and stop filtering all the toxins in your body."
If caught early enough, the condition can be treated by antibiotics.

5. Severe menstrual cramps

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If the pain that accompanies your period every month is unbearable and getting progressively worse, this could be a sign of endometriosis.
Cuffey told how around 40-60 per cent of women whose periods are very painful actually have the condition, which is where tissue that normally acts as a lining inside the womb grows outside of it.
Dr Danesh added: "It can be very painful and lead to more bleeding.
"It can present really anywhere in the body, even as high up as the lungs.
"So if you have pain that corresponds with the cycle of your period it's something you should bring up with your doctor."

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