Tuesday 10 November 2015

Senegal's President Sall condemns 'excessive form of Islam'

Senegal President Macky Sall speaks during the closing talks of the Nepad (New Partnership for Africa's Development) summit in Dakar, Senegal, on 15 June 2014
Most Muslims in Senegal follow a tolerant version of Islam
Other West African states - including Nigeria and Mali - are battling militants linked to al-Qaeda or the Islamic State (IS) group.
Speaking at a peace and security conference in the capital, Dakar, on Monday, Mr Sall said people should have the "courage to fight this excessive form" of Islam.
Militants should not be allowed to "impose another form of religion" which did not "correspond to our traditions or our conceptions of Islam", he added.
"We must develop a philosophical and theological discourse, training imams with a sense of a tolerant Islam," Mr Sall said.

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