Tuesday 10 November 2015

How to stop mosquitoes from biting you

FEEL like your slumber has been sound and mosquito free? Well, enjoy the last few nights of bug-free bliss, because the blood suckers are upon us.
With October bringing a month of summer-like average maximum temperatures across the east coast of Australia, November is in line to become a serious swatting season — with stormy conditions and bursts of humidity providing perfect living conditions for little the bitey buggers to attack in droves.
“This time of year we would usually see more activity,” Dr Cameron Webb, medical entomologist from University of Sydney told news.com.au
“What’s interesting is the active population has been slower than previous years. With our monitoring program, we are only collecting dozens as opposed to hundreds collected this time last year.”
But don’t go putting the repellent away just yet, because the lull isn’t set to stick around for long.
“I think they are slower to get going, but after the rain over the past week and humidity — I expect them to be much more noticeable over the next few weeks.”
One of the most effective ways to eliminate an infestation of mosquitoes is to remove their breeding grounds — such as stagnant water in old pots and containers, buckets and blocked gutters.

While only about a dozen of the 300 types of mozzie flying around Australia actually transmit mosquito-borne disease, there’s often debate around how to best protect yourself from an attack.
“Initially, they’re attracted by the carbon dioxide we exhale,” Dr Webb wrote in an article for The Conversation.
“Body heat is probably important too, but once the mosquito gets closer, she will respond to the smell of a potential blood source’s skin.
“Wearing insect repellent like DEET or Picaridin gives the longest lasting protecting and are the most effective,” Dr Webb said.
“Plant-based repellents such as citronella or tea-tree oil need to be reapplied much more frequently to provide the same protection against mosquitos.
“But it’s important to remember that insect repellent needs to be applied like sunscreen — to all exposed skin. A dab here or there won’t provide enough protection.”
There’s also plenty of treatment options for how to deal with being bitten too.
Although most bites leave us with an itch and a red raised lump, around 5,000 people across Australia fall ill due to Ross River virus each year.
“[They bite] everything from cows and kangaroos to birds and people, frogs and reptiles as well,” Dr Webb he told 702 ABC Evenings host Dominic Knight.
“Right across Australia, the biggest concern, apart from a bit of nuisance biting, mosquitoes can cause is the transmission of Ross River virus.”
“You’re just as likely to get it south of Perth as you are on the south coast of New South Wales or in far north Queensland,” he said.
Some of the symptoms include joint pain, fever, rash, and headache.
“You might have a really mild case, [which] feels like you’ve got a flu for a few days but sometimes it can be really debilitating and you can be bedridden for many weeks or months,” he said.
Dengue fever is also a mosquito-transmitted virus that occurs in the tropics or subtropics of Australia. Every year there are dengue fever outbreaks in north Queensland; in 2014 there were more than 1500 confirmed cases across the country. According to the ABC Health and Wellbeing, Globally, the number of people with dengue fever is increasing each year.
So during the swat season, what are some of your favourite ‘bite-buster’ remedies:
Drinking beer can make you more attractive to mozzies, so try leaving a bowl of brew out instead. Picture: iStock.Source:istock

You can place some beer in a bowl to attract mosquitoes, leading them to drown. Or you could leave a few cans around with some beer in them that would have the same effect.
“quote from Dr Webb”
Mozzies aren’t a fan of mint. Picture: Supplied.Source:istock
Mosquitoes hate the smell of mint. Just spray some mint oil on your body or grow some mint around your house.
Australian Tea Tree Oil products often keeps mosquitos at bay. Picture: iStock.Source:istock
The strong smell keeps mosquitoes away. Add some water and apply to your body.
NSW Health also offer some handy tips to avoid mosquito bites, such as using repellents containing Diethyl Toluamide (DEET) or Picaridin.
It warns against using repellents on the skin of children under the age of three months and suggest the use of physical barriers such as netting on prams, cots and play areas for babies.
But with the magnitude of myths out there, Dr Webb insists sticking with the science when it comes to protecting your family this season.
“There are hundreds of myths about what can provide protection, but at the end of the day insect repellent is the only reliable way to protect your family from mozzie bites.”

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